

Okay so I tried out the daily mask schedule thingy but it was a baaaaaaaaad idea. I broke out like crazy!! I didn't even bother taking pictures cause I forgot ^^;; Haha sorry. But yeah. DON'T DO WHAT I DID. Using stuff on your face almost every single day is VERY bad. Like...SO bad T_T; I wanted to cry cause of what I was doing to my face. So I stopped and my face went back to normal :D Yay! Now, I only stick to my Aspirin and Honey Mask every Tuesday and my Egg White Mask alternating with this Pineapple Peeling Gel from Skinfood every Thursday. Then I exfoliate on Saturday nights on the weeks where I used the Egg White Mask. Exfoliate 2-3 times a week ladies! Especially if you have alot of dead skin cells.

So a small skin update. Mm...ever since I started caring for it in September/October, it's gotten better. And by better I mean smoother and softer feeling. However, it doesn't look that way since I have scars all over my face and like T_T; I can't help but pick at it!! Grawrgh. So in short, it feels smooth and soft but looks totally deranged =( And I keep breaking out at my jawline. It's reallly bad. Nonetheless, my trip back to the Philippines will cure it all (hopefully) !!

And on another note, I have my own (kind-of) circle lens selling business. Here's the link to the Facebook group:

All the information is there and on the discussion boards, along with some photos. Scroll down a bit and you will see =) If I had the power to control the outline of my group, stuff would be on the side too. BAHH. They took out that feature =( So anyway, order from me! Free shipping worldwide and comes with a free lens case. And if you order one of our new lenses, you'll get a free travel kit ^~

In other news...I dyed my hair. *sigh* My parents told me that I had to since I'm going back to the Philippines. My bleached hair won't work for them. Spam pictures before Friday! ^^

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