

Today, I kinda went somewhat-of-but-not-totally Japanese high school girl "costume". I wore my white loose socks and my white sailor shirt that fit at the waist (not the loose one I have (I have like..2 or 3 sailor shirts)), somewhat curly-ish hair and a sparkly clear headband (which is apparently all the rage right now. I didn't know that but my mom did so she sent me some) that looks like a crown. At that to my school uniform burgundy and green tartan kilt and black shoes then ta-da! You got a schoolgirl @_@!

My classmate said I looked like a princess with the headband and hair x) Then as I was running across the gym towards the entrance in front of many of my peers including my child-minded Bio/Chem12 teacher, he told me I looked like Little Red Riding Hood. o_O; What was so red about me? Strange.

In other news...

I WANT THIS. http://bit.ly/bzLYNp

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