
666 Satan

A break from the vacation stuff! After seeing this manga whenever I clicked on "Surprise me!" a bunch of times on www.onemanga.com , I finally decided to read it on Thursday. Or was it Friday.. ANYWAY. Point is, I read it and it's so good n_n

Storyline: 10/10
I love the storyline! It's kind of formula but the way that Seishi Kishimoto presents it and added bits of Jewish myths and whatnot make it better than your average action/shounen manga. It reminded me of Evangelion cause of the religious ties and I love Evangelion so yeah. Also, it ties in science into it as well. At first, the whole religious + science thing gets confusing but they explain it later on then it isn't so hard to get. The funny parts are put in at the perfect time and it is serious when it needs to be.

Characters: 8.5/10
The characters are rather stereotypical but I mashed character design in here too. There is character development but it's the type that you're used to so minus points for that. The art kinda reminds me of DBZ or Naruto o: I was kinda annoyed that Jio was shorter than Ruby even though they're the same age for the most part of the manga =/ But then Jio's evolved version looked kind of like Ryudo from Grandia 2, which is my favourite RPG <3, and I was like..LOOOVE <3 Hahaha. Also, the way the demons and angels were drawn was so well detailed. =) Abit of fan service here and there so it kinda throws you off abit @_@;;

Overall: 9.25/10
I loooooove this manga. It made me think, it made me laugh and it made me cry. It's definitely worth reading if you're into Evangelion. It isn't as dark but would remind you of it due to the similar themes of loneliness, father-less, fate-of-the-world-is-in-your-hands, etc. I hope that if they turn it into an anime, that it'll stay true to it's storyline but be even more dark and psychological with less fanservice. Wooooohooo. OKAY. So final verdict is that it's a really good manga and worth the read.

PS. If you wiki it, at the bottom, it says that it's a more mature and evolved version of Naruto. It does seem that way (I don't actually really follow Naruto but I understand what it's saying) and I agree with it. It's also not as drawn out. Plus, it's complete x)

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