

I made a song! And I posted it on Youtube! Ta-da!

Even Though - Isabel Antonio [OTS]

=) Click-y click-y! Rate, comment, subscribe :D

P.S. WTF! I don't have a "music" label?!?!? D:!!


Why do we have feelings for people? I can't understand. We just end up getting hurt and we can never be 100% totally happy. Okay, I guess it makes sense that we're only humans and that we aren't perfect but even maybe 90% happy, is it not possible?

There's so much pain in this world and alot of it is probably because of relationship issues with a significant other. Whether it be one-sided love, long distance love or any kind of love, a huge chunk is always painful.

Then people waver because of the pain, the neglect, the incomplete-ness that they feel and it just confuses them even more.

Fuck. Feelings are the worst thing on earth.

I have so much more to say but I don't know how to put it in words. I know it's cliche but really. I can't write about it nor can I talk about it. It's pissing me off!!




Spring break already! One week of happiness. Then next week is Mission Mexico!

My plans for Spring Break so far:
Monday - UBC with Ivan
Tuesday - Photoshoot with Harvey
Wednesday - UBC with Ivan in the daytime, Cotillion Practice at night
Thursday - none
Friday - UBC with Ivan

Somewhere in there, I'll be packing for Mission Mexico, working on my UBC Supplemental Application and working on my sermon. Definitely not Monday night (which is tonight) though =P

Mission Mexico is a mission trip that has been in constant planning and fundraising for the past two years. It's a week-long trip where students from my school along with some adults go to Tesopaco, Sonora, Mexico and build schools, teach basic English and tell people about the love of God. We're going there for a week and I'm excited and nervous. I've been to trips without my parents before and with some of my classmates but it's Mexico! They said that it's pretty dangerous. I'm scared but I know that God will protect me so I just have to pray and trust Him.

Yesterday was Sportsfest hosted by our church at an Adventist school. We played volleyball, watched the guys play basketball and eat good food. Lots of fun and I chilled alot with my church fam!

We began cotillion practice for my debut. I'm disappointed that many girls couldn't make it, happy that almost all the guys were there and frustrated that I couldn't teach the late comers properly =(