

So we had a family crisis on Saturday night. My kuya (big brother) got into a fight at a club and whatnot and he was sent to the hospital. He's fine now though. Just some swelling and cuts. What happened was that...

I got a call at around quarter to 2 from my cousin and she told me that my kuya was in the hospital. I ran downstairs, told my dad and we left. My other cousin called my dad too and she told him how to get to VGH. Neither of us knew what happened so I began to worry. A LOT. If you don't know yet, I'm close to my kuya. Sooo much more than my ate (big sister). So yeah. I was really worried and I was tearing up, ready to cry. =(

We got at the hospital and saw who came with him to the hospital. Anyway, long story short... this guy bumped into my drunk brother, pushed him, my brother pushed him back and then there was a brawl. Only my brother's close friend and his older brother came to help out of the many that came with him. >_< Goes to show who his real friends are.

Piss me off so badly. I'm really really mad >:( How dare they do that to him. Those motherfuckers. ARGH!

Good thing he's fine now though so I guess it's all good. But revenge!! GRAWR.

P.S. As of right now, me going clubbing when I grow up is highly unlikely. -o-;

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