

I think I'm in like...housewife mode right now.

So I made dinner tonight. Bibimbap for those of you who don't recognize it. It's a Korean dish involving rice, beef, thinly sliced carrots and shitake mushrooms, bean sprouts and a sunny-side up egg on top. Sesame oil is a key ingredient in this dish. There's two of them since one was for me and one was for my brother.

The green thingies are cucumbers. I learned that it should have been zucchinis instead of cucumbers. You can add more veggies too x) I totally missed the spinach on this one lol. Also, add lots of that red spicy stuff. Well, not too much. I added too much to mine and it became too spicy @_@; But yeah. My brother said it was good and I think it so too :D (except for the cucumbers. they came out kinda bitter =( )

I also learned that I hate slicing carrots. >(

In other housewife-y mode news. I've been doing laundry and washing dishes non-stop + sewing activities n__n woohoo lol.

In pandizzy news:

I tasted a cousin of my normal foodies today - the sugar cane! I've eaten sugar cane before and I've loved it every single bite and slurp. Obviously, today was no exception.

Yes. I ate a sugar cane in school today. Math 12 class to be exact. For some strange reason, my math teacher bought 2 long sticks of sugar cane from a Vietnamese store and brought them to school. o__o; He cut them up for my whole math class to nom nom nom and we probably spent about half the class with this :P yummy!


Kenn said...

Bibimbap is love. I prefer dolsot bibimbap with a raw egg. It cooks in the bowl.*u*

Sugar Cane is also love. I used to have it lots. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN MATH RELATED.

Measure the canes, and divide it EQUALLY AMONGST EVERYONE, using Radii.

izmeister15 said...

wahahha xD actually, raw egg could possibly be better. My bro and I discussed how we both liked the gooey-ness of the yolk o:

OMGOSH. Coincidentally enough, we're studying that in Math12! And our teacher said the same thing! Kind of. @_@

izmeister15 said...

Woohoo! Thanks TK