
Kingyo Sou

And now, as we reach the end of my manga features, I present you with the humble yet heartfelt...

Kingyo Sou

Storyline: 10/10
I love how it's shoujo and it touches on a more mature subject. The relationship between a girl and a handicapped boy is truly one of the most powerful things that I've read about. The storyline is simple and nothing too complicated which makes it stand out. It's also very special and you can really feel the warmth that the mangaka is trying to express.

Nobody is perfect and everyone tries their hardest in relationships. The characters of this manga are all such round and realistic characters. They aren't exaggerated in any way at all. Asuka annoyed me a few times though but then I looked more closely and I saw myself in her. You can really relate to these characters or at least feel what they're feeling and their character designs are really cute ^_^

Overall: 10/10
I love Kingyo Sou's simplicity and emotion. The manga has made me cry multiple times even after reading it twice. That's how wrapped up and how affected I am by Asuka and Masami's story. It's just feels so genuine and shows real problems that real couples go through and none of that overly dramatic things that you would normally read in typical shoujo manga. Kingyo Sou taught me many things about relationships and will definitely be a manga that I won't forget. =)

I REALLY want to read til the end of this manga. Unfortunately, the scans aren't as up-to-date =(


Kenn said...

Is this the first time you've given full marks? DMC didn't count (because if you didn't, Krauser would find you).

D8 THE END OF YOUR MANGA FEATURE? >: I suppose it's less competition for me.

izmeister15 said...

Yes it is. lol @ DMC xD;

Yeah, no more left to feature =P Not much else stuck out to me so much I suppose and hahahaha xD; Indeed Kenn. Indeed =)