

You can think of Love Languages as either a bad thing or a good thing.

Bad thing: Use it to make people fall in love with you easily when you really don't feel anything/the same way towards them.

Good thing: Use it to make people that you love fall in love with you and for both of you to fall deeply together and keep the fire in your romance.

I hope it's more of the latter for everyone than the former.

I'm going to Alberta from Nov. 8-13 for a school trip. I used to not be able to wait for it but now I don't really care as much. I don't know why but the appeal just went down. Strange! =[ Maybe it's cause I just recently found this one girl really annoying. A whiny little spoiled bitch who overreacts to everything and is a total attention whore. But it's cool. After coming from a broken family, it makes sense.

Learned how to play 4 notes on the bass today and actually know what notes they are! I'm so proud of myself x)

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