

First basketball game of the season today. First basketball game on a real team EVER for me. I was nervous the WHOLE day, even yesterday!! We played against Meadowridge, a private school alllll the way in Maple Ridge. So far!! D: Anyway the results are... 44-37 for the other team. We may not have won but we tried our best. We played good defense and we really need to work on our offense.

I played for around 4-5 minutes; at the end of the first half (so second quarter) and at the very end (so fourth quarter). I would've liked to have made my one and only shot at a..well..a shot haha. But it's okay!

Their girls were taller than us, well for the most part. There was one girl as short as me but she was their shortest @_@; We have an even shorter girl and she's really good at her job. But yeah.

We'll have to try better this Thursday when we play against Bodwell! =)


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