

Played a good 4 hours of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2 tonight. My brother taught me and I played a bunch of missions and he helped me like..once or twice with the hard ones. All I have to say is...

O-M-G. I'm in love. It's so fun and addictive @_____@ I can't wait to play more tomorrow! :D:D:D:D Hello Soap, hello Roach <3

Had a major math test today on logarithms and series/sequences. I teared up during studying in class -__-; I was THAT frustrated. Eff, I hate our math teacher. He doesn't really teach and stuff and like T_T Okay, high school is prep for university but aren't we allowed SOME leisure learning privileges as well? D: It's lame. I hope I did well though because I felt like I knew what I was doing on most of the questions =)

Night photoshoot last night with my friend Harvey at Douglas College at the Coquitlam campus. It was fun x) I hope the photos turned out nicely. It'll be for the invitations, slideshow, thank you cards and that big board thingy that people sign when they enter the room for my debut. Weee n__n; I can't wait for the day photoshoot with my own hand-made dress (which I have yet to complete. eep!)!

I have to clean my room again soon. All my creative-ness has cause a mess and neglect of this rooms cleanliness =(


Kenn said...

^^; I haven't played CoD4 yet. xD And if you're still in math 12, you're doing better than I did. Keeps it up xD

izmeister15 said...

CoD4 = fun.

Math 12 = death. D: