

Okay guys! So this post is long over-due but it's my homemade (notice how it is NOT "hon-mei") chocolate. Or in this case... peanut butter cups, crappy looking Ferrero Rochers and yeah! So I used about a box and a half of Baker's Semi-Sweet Chocolate. You have to chop it up so that it will melt easier.

As some of you have probably seen, the proper way to melt chocolate is by using a double-broiler type contraption. Basically, you have a big pot filled with water and another pot or metal bowl (as long as it conducts heat well) on top. Then, you place the chocolate in the secondary bowl in the water and stir it as the water is being heated up. Some people say that you should NOT let the water in the pot boil because it makes the chocolate taste weird. I don't know about that but to be on the safe side, I didn't let it boil. I added some milk in it just so it's creamier and not so chocolate-y.

So for the peanut butter cups, I took at a muffin tray and placed the muffin paper cup thingies in them. Then, I spread a layer of chocolate on the bottom and on the sides to form the case. You can't really tell but that is flat and only on the outsides. There's no bulk on the inside and also, you have to bring the sides of the cup up a bit more so there's space for enough peanut butter and the "lid" ^_^ As soon as you're done, place it in the fridge to cool and harden!

 After 15 minutes, take it out and lay on the peanut butter! Make sure not to go over the sides of the cup so there's space for the chocolate lid. Then, cover the peanut butter with more melted chocolate to complete the peanut butter cup like so. It'll be a very messy step but fun! Try to flatten the peanut butter as much as you can for the lid. You can sprinkle some sprinkles on small candies or candied/dried fruits on top while the chocolate is still melted for decoration at this step.

Finally, let them cool in the refrigerator for another 15minutes! Take them out and feel free to decorate with icing or whatnot. =) Be creative!

My fridge is messy =P

And finally, end result! TA-DA! I wrote the initials down of the people whom I was going to give these to using red gel icing.

Some of them *coughWTLFcough* never made it because they got eaten LOL. One will NEVER *coughKTcough* make it just because and the rest were good. ^_^ These are very yummy btw and CL and AM said that they were better than Reese x) They even named it the "Geizz" or whatever. A play on pronunciation on "Reese" and "Izzy/Izz" and "Jizz" -___-;;

In any case, I made these too:

To the right is just some chocolate that I rolled into balls and rolled in chopped walnuts with a teeny drizzle of the red gel icing. To the left is just some canel-shaped chocolate with farm animal sprinkle decorations on top xD (they were the only Valentine's colour themed ones).

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