
Florida/Bahamas Vacation pt2

Day 3 - jun30
Check out day for us but not quite yet. We're going to go hit up the nearest flea market to try and "milk" our stay here in Orlando. I wish we could have stayed an extra day longer so we could have went to Disneyland but it's okay. Universal Studios was definitely worth it :D Breakfast was the same but I think that I was really full from last night so I didn't get to eat much breakfast @@ Strangely enough, I dreamed of drinking milk and it caused me to have a craving for milk. I think that my body was telling me that it's in need of calcium.

Eurgh. Up-side to a nurse sister = help in Biology. Down-side = nasty body facts. She told me about how when some guys are ill, their balls become the size of an orange. The big ones. Eurgh.

Eating lunch at a diner now. It's like one of those typical diners you see in movies. Maybe not the silver trailer but the whole speaking accent and interaction and everything. It's pretty exciting x) I ordered a Texas Cheesesteak Melt and a coke with cherry flavour :o The drink is pretty yummy.

We were at the flea market just before this and I couldn't find a pasalubong (souvenirs. stuff you bring back from trips, etc. in Tagalog) for the youth :( It's pissing me off :(

There's a chili's across the street D: I want to go eat there! One day, I'll eat at a full-sized, actual chili's restaurant. Stupid The Office. lol. Influence me to no end -o-

Sitting at a bathroom stall here in Walmart near my aunt's place, I have to poo :( My stomach is hurting and it's pissing the shit out of me, literally.

We're now at my aunt's house in Palm Bay. We rented a car and it took us around an hour to find it. Then, we chilled at Walmart abit since we were early. My aunt's husband, according to my brother, sounds like Yoda from Star Wars. luuulz.

Sitting here @ Capt. Hiram's eating dinner. Looks really yum yum and it's sea side, or rather, waterfront since it's right beside a river and not a sea :) My brother ordered a beer and he got id'd. lulz. He does look pretty young :p I also made a note to make sure that if I ordered iced tea, that itd' be unsweeted - or at least the non-unsweetened kind that the US usually does not serve. So from remembering this fact, I now have some raspberry iced tea. Not that bad but I'd prefer the cherry coke to the raspberry iced tea :p I plan to get some broiled fish, maybe cajun style with rice x) yum!

Man, I'm sitting here at the very back of an SUV next to my sister with my mother, father and brother in front of us. Now, in an SUV or a van, there's usually only one set of ventilation openings for the AC so the people up front and at the back often end up fighting between who gets what vent. In the Philippines mission trip last year, I went with some church youth and there was this one instance where L managed to sit on the front-er area of the back and pointed to all the vents to himself. The girls at the back, including me, yelled at him. It was really funny xD This similar situation is happening between my brother and I except it isn't as funny or dramatic. But still, it's reminding me of my youth and I miss them :(

Re-watching my debut again, it makes me miss P-Dawg :p silly boy. He said he'll take me to Miami, Florida one day but I can't really trust him when he says those things. It's too far off in the future. Plus, there was this one time when he said he'll take me somewhere that same week but he never did o.O It's okay. I don't mind. Anyway, I'm excited to talk to him again soon when I get back home. I'm actually not allowed to talk to him but meh. He isn't a bad person. He just rolls with a sketchy crowd and has a far-from-perfect past - and I mean far (or so I heard). But I really don't mind. He's a genuinely nice guy. Anyway, this really isn't trip related. I just got reminded of him n_n

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