

This will be my 9th manga feature. I can't believe it! There's 5 left to go, including this so you guys better stay with me till the end =P If you don't, then I might just have to hypnotize you through...


Storyline: 9/10
I like it! It's another one of those mangas where it makes you THINK. The -1 came from it's similarities to Deathnote but other than that, Lost+Brain is great! The hypnotism technique to take over the world is something that I haven't seen before so there's a plus for that. But yeah, it really does have a Deathnote feel to it because of the rather extreme methods that the protagonist use to reach his final goal. Also, it's still incomplete so things are rather unpredictable at this point.

Characters: 8/10
-1 for Hiyama Ren being too similar to Light and another -1 for the art looking somewhat similar to that of Deathnote. I really like the whole anti-hero thing that Ren has going on and the pairing of Kuonji Itsuki's ability and character design is perfect! There isn't really much back story to the characters and so far, I haven't seen any sort of character development but with 23 chapters at around 18 pages each, I kinda expected it. I hope to see more from the characters though like, Yuka being more useful and maybe Ren's subordinates betraying him xD

Overall: 8.5/10
I'd recommend this for those who liked Deathnote and discourage comparing them to each other (like how I did =P ) because they are different after all. Personally, I support what Light is doing and what Ren is doing. Though their methods are rather extreme, I kinda feel like sometimes, that's the only way to make the world a better place. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. Over-all, Lost+Brain has a not-so-unique story but a unique approach to it that stands out. Stuff can get confusing but that's what makes it good :D It doesn't just spoon feed you stuff so easily, you gotta think hard too!

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