
Florida/Bahamas Vacation pt4

A break from all the manga posts. Here's a continuation of my family vacation! Also, here are the links to the two albums from one of the cameras.

Florida/Bahamas Fam Vacation Photo Album pt1
Florida/Bahamas Fam Vacation Photo Album pt2 

Day 5 - jul2
It's too early! And what the fuck was all that noise that I heard from the kitchen. It's so early and I hear banging and clanging. WTF!!!!!!

20minutes later and I'm still sleep as hell. Got around 4-5hrs of sleep cause I couldn't sleep at 10 :( It's actually really cold right now D: frick. I hate this feeling of cold feet and arms. What's worse is that I don't have anything to protect myself with. Nooooooooooo. Lulzk.

I just realized that today is one of the few trips where I haven't brought ANY stuffed animal of mine n_n No rice, no piggy, no doggy or no bear! It makes me feel all grown up :o It's like...I've finally crossed the line between an adult and a child! Woohoo! I won't lie, it def feels weird but it should be okay..

We're here at the port now, waiting to board the ship. There's actually quite a bit of people. I'm wearing W's and C's birthday gift to me underneath this oversized top thingy. It's nerve-wracking really, to wear this bikini top since I don't have enough boob :( I'm scared that the tops covering my chest would slip off or something :(

So, I think that this lady that we have to go through to board the ship has her panties in a knot. I bet you that she's going through PMS right now and thinking "Oh, I'll mess with this family today." Bitch. We're held up cause of my sister's papers and it's really annoying. It'd suck if she isn't allowed to board and go with us to the Bahamas.

In other news, I'm allowed to drink alcohol once we're outside Florida waters xD woohoooooooooo. Oh. And I'm REALLY hungry too.

The boat is finally moviiiiiing. We're on our way to the Bahamas. Unfortunately, my sister isn't with us :/ She has some issues with her passport and papers so she isn't able to come :( The rest of the fam kind of had a bash sesh during brunch here on the boat n_n;; but it all made sense. I felt bad but she really can be mean at times.

In other news, my brother and I have been walking around and we tried to get some drinks. Apparently, I'm not allowed yet but it's okay. I was given this privilege so I won't abuse it and just wait until I'm allowed to. Watching FIFA now and this girl with major nippage just passed by without a bra. Talk about awk and totes disg. Eurgh! She's someone that I'd definitely want to post up on www.thedirty.com -o-

Finally awake from a nap. I wonder if we're close or if we're on international H2Os. luuulz.

Captain's Log. July 2nd. Year 2010. Friday. Trip day 5. With the 4 of us remaining, we managed to get on the boat. The staff set us up with a cabin on the Andros Deck. Cabin's number is 4412 and all that my crew and I have been doing is sleeping in this tiny room. Despite the size, we all fit in somehow; with one small bed, one round window and one full bathroom, we made do. Squishing three bodies on the bed and one body on the floor, it all worked out.

My first mate is down from the alcohol he consumed. I be sleeping across the top of the bed with my feet on the small table-like contraption. My first mate is right up against the wall and his head is right up against my right arm.

Sailor 1 is down on the ground, lying parallel to the bed and Sailor 2 is right next to my first mate and using my stomach as her pillow.

The meal served to us was nothing special. A simple brunch with a wide array of stale fruits and over-processed, typical breakfast proteins. One component is to commended, however, and that would be the pancakes. Small in size but fluffy and perfectly sweet.

This small journey to the unknown begins today with many adventures in the store. We have already lost a ship mate and we hope to all return safely. Captain's Log end.

1 comment:

Kenn said...

*Salutes Captain*

Passports are the most annoying thing to renew. Stale fruits and processed meats sounds reaaaallly unappetizing.