
Florida/Bahamas Vacation pt6

I'll save the finale for last :D!

Day 7 - jul4
Woke up around 8 since my parents told us that we had to be ready by 9 for this tour. We've been sitting here for around 30mins now and the transportation that was supposed to be included with the tour that we signed up for isn't here yet at all. I'm starting to think that either...
Also in other news, I texted -censored- last night saying that I miss him so much and I do :( He replied saying to just enjoy my trip. He won't have to worry since I am enjoying my trip :)
a) we got here too late
b) the tour company is late
c) scam


In other news, kuya W is back in Vancouver. Awwww...I miss the youth :(

Finally on the bus for our tours and this bus is ghetto. Two-seater on the right side and one-seater on the left. Then, attached to the two-seater is this folding seat and this bus sure is full. Sitting next to a super sweaty, most likely drunk or at least intoxicated, white man, it's pretty nast. Then his friend is cracking up jokes. luuuulz. Sarcastic or not, it's pretty hilair.

looooool. My dad with his cowboy hat and wrinkled forehead looks so cute. xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're finally on the boat! Time to go back to Florida then go back to Vancouver the day after. Wooooh.

The Bahamas isn't actually all that great. It's nice, I'll admit, but the people here are so hellbent on tourism, tourists and trying to con people out of their money as much as they can that it takes away from the true beauty of the country and island itself. Quite disappointing really.

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