
Yandere Kanojo

Kinda getting lazy on the vacation stuff. Going to squeeze out as much manga as I can while the websites are still up. If you haven't heard yet, they're going to be closing down. I'll only be spotlighting ones that I REALLY liked. I went through a lot and am following alot. I'll take it slow one by one =) So the first one in this series (hmm...well second since I had 666 Satan already) is...

Yandere Kanojo

Storyline: 8.5/10
The storyline is rather formula but the way it's presented is SO cute! Opposite worlds coming together as one but with a nerd and a yankee instead. It's kind of messed up in it's own way but, like I said, the way it's presented make it seem like it's totally normal and not out of the ordinary. Humour level would probably be up there if I can read, understand and interpret raw Japanese scans since it seems that at least half of the jokes made are puns that aren't as funny when they're indirectly read because of language barriers. The score is rather high because it's just soooo funny :P

Characters: 9/10
Stereotypical characters with the nerd being cool and calm, a zealous classmate that has an inferiority complex, a very yandere lady and a completely normal sidekick/friend. However, the SM sister and extremely introverted father are different and the way that they're involved in the main characters' lives are much more prominent compared to other manga, thus, making it more interesting. These two characters probably have to be the ones that caused the score to go up to 7. And what caused it to go up to 8? Only one word. Manabu. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! x)!!!!! *squeal* :D I want a Manabu. He's so cool n_n There's something appealing about Manabu's character and design, despite it being rather common. What else...mmmm...there is little character development with most of the developments being rather predictable and formula.

Overall: 8.75/10
Although uncompleted, it is a good read. Definitely fun and lifts yours spirits up =) I really really like this manga n___n Like, actually. It's too funny and too cute. Reina is just so clueless and Manabu is too cool hahahaha. I'd recommend it to those having a bad day because it will turn your frown upside down. Yeah :D It's fun! ^_^


Manabu said...

Gahaha. Reina is ridiculously cute when her mom dresses her up. And it's great watching Manabu slowly change through the manga.

izmeister15 said...