
Liar Game

Next up, to keep you guys entertained while I'm still at Nanaimo is probably a more known manga due to it's live action version. It's really interesting and deals with more intellectual stuff and I think that's just awesome. I would be lying if I said that I have a crush on Akiyama. Or would I...?

Liar Game

Storyline: 9.5/10
Although it's all about good vs. evil and justice and whatnot, the storyline used to present these themes is definitely different compared to others. It's all about a game of lying, cheating and just basically doing anything in your power to win. It deals with a lot of mind games, how people are affected with their relationships to each other and money. There are different arcs and some arcs or parts of the arcs can be really dragged out incessantly but other parts just go by and you're left leaving with a "O_O" look on your face. However, they do explain what happens later on so at least your brain doesn't explode from trying to figure it out yourself. This makes the story develop slower though.

Characters: 8/10
-1 for annoying Nao. -1 for somewhat stereotypical personalities in characters. +1 for tranny. I know it adds up to 9/10 but there's something that I can't place my finger on that made it an 8/10 Anyway, there's no character development really but some characters are really smart. The intelligence and thought put in by the author to make characters come alive is really good. When a character does something, you can really say "Yeah. I totally see them doing that." It's so well thought out and the plans and everything are awesome! The anti-hero image of Akiyama is a nice touch with him being an ex-convict. I'm not particularly fond of Nao cause I feel like she gets in the way =P Uhmm, the art is nice :D Simple and uncomplicated. ^_^ I like.

Overall: 8.75/10
It's a really good series. Intellectually stimulating and rather unexpected at times. The strategies thought out are all unexpected and they surprisingly work out in the end. I really like it and I would recommend it for those interested in puzzles, and the like, and maybe not for those who are more into action. There is also a live action version. I haven't watched it yet so I can't compare it to the ongoing series though but you can definitely check it out =)

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